It is with great pleasure that we congratulate Candace Crouse, who was elected on November 6, 2018 to serve as Judge on the First District Court of Appeals in Ohio. 

Candace ran for a seat on Ohio’s First District Court of Appeals because she believed our courts could strive to better serve the people of Hamilton County.  She said through her years of practice, it was clear to her how the system works and what happens when it fails.  Her promise, if elected, was to make the First District the gold standard for how an appellate court can operate to better serve those who come before it.  She will now strive to make that a reality!

“People coming before the courts expect a fair, just, impartial process where everyone is seen as equal.  I will make sure that our local courts and judicial system live up to the high expectations people place on them.  I will make sure our court prioritizes impartiality, diligent preparation, and thoughtful, compassionate decisions,” said Candace.

Candace spent the first two years of her legal career as a law clerk to the Honorable Frederick P. Stamp, Jr., U.S. District Court Judge for the Northern District of West Virginia.  During her two-year clerkship, Judge Stamp sat by designation on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, giving her the opportunity to experience judicial decision-making at the appellate level, in addition to the district court level.  She plans to model her approach to law after Judge Stamp’s approach: diligent preparation, courteous handling of cases, and purposeful impartiality. 

Following her time clerking in West Virginia, Candace came to Cincinnati and began practicing law.  Over the course of the next sixteen years, she worked as a pro bono advocate, an appointed lawyer for indigent defendants, an associate at a mid-sized law firm, and ultimately a partner in her own firm.  Candace is also passionate about educating and training the next generation of lawyers.  She served on the faculty at the National Criminal Defense College (“NACDL”) in Macon, GA, the top criminal defense trial practice institute in the country.  She has spoken at state and national legal conferences on various topics relating to criminal justice and has taught classes at the University of Cincinnati College of Law as an Adjunct Professor.

Former partner, mentor, and friend, Marty Pinales said, “It has been an absolute joy to practice with Candace over the years.  I’ve had the pleasure of watching her grow from a young associate into a skilled partner – and now an Appeals Court Judge.  I am so proud of Candace, but she will be sorely missed.”  As for the citizens of Hamilton County “our loss is your gain,” said Pinales.

It’s funny how things come full circle.  In February, Candace headed back to the courtroom, just as her legal career began some 18 years ago – only this time she’ll be sitting behind the bench!

Full NACDL News Release: